Using the DIA:CONN App

Top app status bar

Press the refresh icon to display the latest data transmitted from the pump and continuous glucose monitor.

Press the arrows on either side of the date to move one day forward or backward. The central date is the date displayed in the current chart. (Connection status, recent glucose, and active insulin are not date-dependent.)

Press the calendar icon in the top-right corner to select a desired date. The data for glucose, carbohydrates, insulin, etc., for the selected date will be displayed on the Today screen.

4Connection Status
DIA:CONN app displays the connection status with the Continuous Glucose Monitor.
Blue Circle
• Indicates that the connection between the app and the Continuous Glucose Monitor is smooth.
Red Circle
• Indicates a disconnection with the Continuous Glucose Monitor for more than 10 minutes.
• Please verify if the app and Continuous Glucose Monitor are functioning properly.
Gray Circle
• No connected Continuous Glucose Monitor.

5Recent Glucose
• Displays the most recent glucose reading transmitted from the Continuous Glucose Monitor.
• If you connect a continuous glucose monitor, data about your glucose will be sent to the app every 5 minutes.
• Next to "Recent Glucose," a number and symbol indicate the difference from the previous glucose reading. (▲5 indicates it is 5 units higher than the previous reading. ▼5 indicates it is 5 units lower than the previous reading).

6IOB(=Residual Insulin)
The amount of insulin currently remaining in the body, calculated through the DIA:CONN Bolus Calculator, is displayed.

Today graph screen descriptions

1Blood Glucose (BG)
The blood glucose levels are displayed as a graph and a list.
When connected to a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), it is displayed automatically.
During self-blood glucose monitoring(BGM), simply click the plus (+) next to the blood glucose list to input the value.
Carbs intake is represented by a rice bowl icon.
• CGM icons ,,
Data transmitted from the CGM is displayed in orange if it exceeds the target range range, blue if it falls within the target range, and red if it is below the target range.
• BG icon
Displays manually inputted glucose values by pressing the plus (+) button.
• Carbs intake icon
Carbs intake is represented by a rice bowl icon.

Bolus Insulin dose is displayed in both graph and list formats.
If insulin is administered using the bolus calculator, it will be represented in the shape of a calculator.
• Rapid-acting, Ultra-rapid-acting, NPH, and mixed insulin injection colors.
Square and Dual (square) injections are represented as rectangles.
• Bolus Calculator
If insulin is administered using the bolus calculator, it will be displayed in the shape of a calculator.

Continuous insulin dose is displayed in both graph and list formats.
Various alerts and events are represented as icons.
• Long-acting colors
For Long-acting injection, the insulin dose is displayed divided by the duration of action.
• Low Battery Alarm
Displayed when the battery is below 10%.
• Insufficient insulin alarm
Displays when insulin reaches 0U during pen infusion.
• Insulin infusion blockage
Displays if there is a blockage while injecting insulin.
• Cartridge replacement successful
Displayed on successful cartridge replacement.
• Insulin Temperature alarm
Displays when there is an abnormality in the pen's insulin temperature.

Today Data Screen descriptions

1Percentage of time in target range (Time in Range, TIR)
Time in Range (TIR) refers to the percentage of glucose readings within the specified target range over the course of a day as recorded by the DIA:CONN app.
♦ Recommendation
To maintain optimal glucose management, please aim to keep the Time in Range within the target range as follows.
• Very High : Maintain it below 5%
• High : Maintain it below 25%
• Normal (Target Range Percentage): Maintain above 70%
• Low : Maintain it below 4%
• Very Low : Maintain it below 1%

2Avg(Average Blood Glucose)
The value obtained by adding up all the glucose measurements taken by the continuous glucose monitor in the DIA:CONN app over the course of a day and calculating the arithmetic average (expressed in units of mg/dL or mmol/L).

"The estimated HbA1c value provides an average representation of blood glucose levels over the preceding 2-3 months."

4CV(Coefficient of Variation)
A higher coefficient of variation indicates greater variability in blood glucose levels, indicating an increased risk of both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
♦ Recommendation
Please maintain the coefficient of variation at less than 36% (The target for Step 2 is less than 33%).

5Total Insulin
The total insulin dose is displayed as a numerical value.

The displayed value represents the amount of insulin administered as Bolus (Rapid-acting, Ultra-rapid-acting, Mixed, NPH).

The amount of insulin injected as Basal (long-acting).

Displays the Carbs intake.

9CGM activation
The percentage of how well the Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) has been activated within a day is displayed in the statistics section on the DIA:CONN app's Today screen.
The number of times CGM data is transmitted to the DIA:CONN app in a day
= 12 (times) * 24 (hours) = 288 (times)
CGM Activation rate displayed on the DIA:CONN app
= The actual number of times CGM data was transmitted in a day / 288 (times)

10Pump activation
The percentage of how well the pump has been activated within a day is displayed in the statistics section on the DIA:CONN app's Today screen. (It is not integrated with the pen.)

Pen tab descriptions

1Pen connection section
Registered pen will be displayed automatically.
Rapid-acting and Ultra-rapid-acting will be displayed on the screen as shown in the left example, while Long-acting, Mixed, and NPH will be displayed as shown in the right example.

View the history related to the pen.

3User settings
Configure advanced settings such as Bolus Calculator, Bolus and meal settings, and Basal injection for advanced functionalities.

Pen Connections section


1Daily delivery history
Displays pen injection history on a daily basis.
Categorized by Date, Ultra-rapid, Rapid, Long-acting, Miscellaneous, and Total amount.

2Pen history
Displays pen delivery history categorized by date, including total, injections, replacements, alerts, and other categories.


In the More tab, you can access pen settings and other features.

My Report

1Press the My Reports in the More tab.

2On mobile, tap the "Auto Login" button to go to My Reports (You will be automatically logged in with the current app account).

3For PC login, navigate to My Reports through the login method (Separate login is required).

4Utilize "My Reports."


1Press on the DIA:CONN Mall option in the More tab.

2On mobile, tap the "Auto Login" button to go to DIA:CONN Mall (You will be automatically logged in with the current app account).

3For PC login, navigate to DIA:CONN Mall through the login method (Separate login is required).

4Utilize "DIA:CONN Mall."

Connect to an external device

Connect to an external device can be done through two methods: using an ID and password, or through a URL and API SECRET.

To connect Dexcom Share and Caresens Air, use an ID and password. For xDrip+, Shuggah, Spike, Glimp, Tomato, LinkBluCon, use a URL and API SECRET for connection (Refer to the specific settings in each external device connection tab for detailed instructions).

Pen registration

1Press on the Pen Registration option in the More tab.

2Press the button to initiate pen addition.

3Enter the Serial Number, VC, and color to proceed with pen registration.
(The Serial Number and VC are written on the back of the pen).

4Verify if the pen is registered in the list of pen registrations.

Personal information

In the Personal Information section, you can utilize functions such as modifying personal information, adjusting glucose targets, setting glucose units, customizing themes, withdrawing membership, and logging out.


There are two methods: using the Injection Site Selection and not using it.

1Press the Quick Inject button on the pen-tab for Long-acting, Rapid-acting, Mixed, or NPH, or the Inject button for Long-acting insulin.

2Select injection dose(Check 'Use injection sites' to select an injection site.)

3Choose the injection site (if you didn't use Select an injection site or selected Skip, skip to the next).

4After reviewing the pre-injection information for insulin administration, press the Injection Start button (If the injection site is not selected, the injection site will not be displayed).

1Look at the screen above and press the Act button on the pen to start the injection.

6Wait until the injection is complete.

7After the injection is complete, continue to wait for a certain period of time without removing the pen.

Find the pen

Pen Finder requires a Bluetooth connection to work.

In cases where it is difficult to find a pen nearby that can connect to the DIA:CONN app via Bluetooth, you can use the Pen Search function. Each time you press Pen Search, the pen will emit a sound, "Beep Beep Beep," once.

Device settings

The device settings include Injection speed, Waiting time after injection, Single dose limit, and insulin menu.

Injection speed

The injection rate shows the amount injected per second and can be set from 0.2 U to 2.0 U/s.

1Select the amount the injection dose per second.

2Press the save button.

3Press the Act button on the pen to change the Pen settings.

Waiting time after injection

The Waiting time after injection indicates the time to wait after completing the injection and can be set within the range of 5 to 20s.

1Select the waiting time after injection.

2Press the save button.

3Press the Act button on the pen to change the pen settings.

Single dose limit

The Single dose limit indicates the maximum amount that can be set for a Single dose, and can be set up to 60 units.

1Select the single dose limit.

2Press the save button.

3Press the Act button on the pen to change the pen settings.


The insulin menu is used to display the type of insulin being used and its expiration date

1Retrieve the insulin type and cartridge settings stored in the pen.

2Select the insulin type currently in use and its expiration date.

3Press the save button to store the information.